J.CAC VOLUME 23 (1998)

A Story of Past and Present Power: The Blessing of Two Wampum Belts from the McCord Museum of Canadian History

Bruno Pouliot

In September 1994, along with Moira McCaffrey, Curator of Ethnology at the McCord Museum of Canadian History, Montreal, Canada, the author participated in a Native ceremony focused around two wampum belts from the museum collection. The ceremony proved to be extraordinary due not only to the exchange that took place between museum professionals and Native people, but also to the enhanced significance of the power of the wampum belts. In this paper, the author shares the story so that it may inspire others in similar circumstances. Indeed, many conservators are now faced with questions as to whether or not museum objects should be used during Native ceremonies and whether or not the very treatments or handling accomplished in the laboratory or during storage may in fact jeopardize the spiritual or sacred nature of the artifacts. Although there are no universal answers to these questions, there is a certain attitude that can be adopted by museum personnel to allow for a balance between the respect for physical and for spiritual integrity. One need not jeopardize the other. However a fundamental understanding of our cultural differences is essential in order to find this balance.

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