Image: Jennifer Robertson, Book and Paper Conservation Services, 2017

Become a Member

Value of Membership

There are many benefits to becoming a CAC member. First and foremost, you contribute to the development and sustainability of a strong community of professionals whose responsibility is to preserve our cultural assets and promote responsible and ethical practices. More specifically:

You support:

  • our many dedicated volunteers who work hard to be able to offer high-quality programs and publications
  • a strong conservation network, giving it a voice within the Canadian political arena
  • scholarly research and dissemination of knowledge in the field
  • awareness of conservation among related professionals and the general public

You receive:

  • three newsletters (Bulletin) per year and one peer-reviewed scientific Journal
  • access to online Directory of members
  • discount on CAC conference and workshops
  • access to our mentorship program
  • access to our Grants & Awards program
  • discount on insurance programs offered by ASSURART
  • the possibility of developing a long-lasting connection with your peers

Without your support, we can’t do it all! 

Membership Rates & Application

Membership Categories, Descriptions & Rates



The fee charged for institutional members reflects the fact that publications and online content are likely to be accessed by many people within that institution.

Full access to online content, CAC Bulletin published electronically 3 times/year, CAC Journal published once/year, access to CAC Grants & Awards for one staff member.  A member institution can send one staff member to CAC conference at the member rate, even if that employee is not a CAC member. Institution is entitled to one vote at all Meetings of Members.


$85/year (a mere $0.23/day)

For any individual with an interest in the conservation of cultural property.

Full access to online contents, CAC Bulletin published electronically 3 times/year, CAC Journal published once/year, access to CAC Grants & Awards, voting rights.



Individuals who are full-time trainees or students in the field of conservation and who are not in receipt of a stipend, other than a scholarship.

Full access to online contents, CAC Bulletin published electronically 3 times/year, CAC Journal published once/year, access to CAC Grants & Awards, voting rights.


Individuals or institutions who donate more than the annual membership fee for their membership category in any fiscal year.

Supporting members’ names may be published in acknowledgment of their support at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Same rights and benefits of Regular or Student Members in the case of individuals or same rights and benefits of Institutional Members in the case of Institutions. One vote each at all Meeting of Members.

  • Institutional
    $210 yearly
    The fee charged for institutional members reflects the fact that publications and online content are likely to be accessed by many people within that institution. Full access to online content, CAC Bulletin published 3 times/year, CAC Journal published once/year, access to CAC Grants & Awards for one staff member.  A member institution can send one staff member to CAC conference at the member rate, even if that employee is not a CAC member. Institution is entitled to one vote at all Meetings of Members.
  • Student
    $35/ yearly
    • Individuals who are full-time trainees or students in the field of conservation and who are not in receipt of a stipend, other than a scholarship
    • Full access to online content
    • CAC Bulletin published electronically 3 times/year
    • CAC Journal published once/year
    • Access to CAC Grants & Awards
    • Voting rights
    • And more!
  • Early Career
    $60/ yearly
    • Individuals who are recent graduates, in the first three years post-graduation, in the field of conservation, heritage science, or related profession.
    • Full access to online content
    • CAC Bulletin published electronically 3 times/year
    • CAC Journal published once/year
    • Access to CAC Grants & Awards
    • Voting rights
    • And more!
  • Regular
    only $0.28/day
    $105/ yearly
    • For any individual with an interest in the conservation of cultural heritage
    • Full access to online content
    • CAC Bulletin published electronically 3 times/year
    • CAC Journal published once/year
    • Access to CAC Grants & Awards
    • Voting rights
    • And more!
  • Retired
    $60/ yearly
    • Individuals who have retired from gainful employment.
    • Full access to online content
    • CAC Bulletin published electronically 3 times/year
    • CAC Journal published once/year
    • Access to CAC Grants & Awards
    • Voting rights
    • And more!
  • Institutional
    $210/ yearly
    • The fee charged for institutional members reflects the fact that publications and online content are likely to be accessed by many people within that institution
    • Full access to online content
    • CAC Bulletin published electronically 3 times/year
    • CAC Journal published once/year
    • Access to CAC Grants & Awards for one staff member
    • A member institution can send one staff member to CAC conference at the member rate, even if that employee is not a CAC member
    • The institution is entitled to one vote at all Meetings of Members
    • And more!

Supporting Members

Individuals or institutions who donate more than the annual membership fee for their membership category in any fiscal year.

Supporting members’ names may be published in acknowledgment of their support at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Same rights and benefits of Regular or Student Members in the case of individuals or same rights and benefits of Institutional Members in the case of Institutions. One vote each at all Meeting of Members.

Sponsored Memberships

The Sponsored Membership Program gives pre-program students, current students, emerging conservators, and unemployed or underemployed conservators access to a one-year membership to the CAC and all the benefits membership provides. This program is funded through generous donations from our members. CAC aims to break down barriers that limit access to the Canadian conservation community. The program is facilitated by the CAC Emerging Conservators Committee.

To apply for a Sponsored Membership follow this link.

To donate towards the Sponsored Membership Program, follow this link. Indicate how much you would like to donate and include a note in the message field indicating that you would like your donation to be directed towards sponsored memberships. 

Other Reasons to Join

CAC offers grants and bursaries to promote professional development for members.

The programs available to CAC Members for 2024 are:

  1. Conference/Workshop Grant
  2. Professional Development Grant
  3. Diversity Grant

CAC Conference/Workshop Grant


CAC Conference/Workshop Grants will only be offered for in-person conferences. In years when the CAC Conference is held virtually, no Conference Grants will be offered.


The applicant must be an individual member of the CAC or the designated representative of an institution with a CAC institutional membership. Membership must be in good standing, i.e. membership dues up to date at the time of application. Members residing in the province (or territory) where the conference is to be held are not eligible. Those who received CAC grants in the preceding year may be considered at a lower priority.


As close to $6,500 as possible will be disbursed in at least 10 grants.

Application Procedures

The applicant must complete the application form and describe as precisely as possible the estimated expenses for accommodation and transportation, which are the only allowable expenses. The grant will cover costs for transportation and will cover the accommodation cost up to $125 per night (including tax). Costs exceeding this amount will be covered by the applicant. All other expenses, including meals and Workshop or Conference fees are not covered by the grant.

View Application Form

Evaluation criteria

Priority will be given to applicants who submit an abstract or poster for the CAC Conference or who have other official duties such as program chairs or workshop organizers. Funds will be distributed evenly among eligible regions: West (British Columbia, Prairies and Territories); Ontario; East (Quebec and Atlantic Provinces); and Outside of Canada (maximum of one grant). Funds will also be distributed among applicants working in private practice, employed in institutions, and students registered full-time in a conservation training program, reflecting the ratio of these categories in the membership. If an applicant self-identifies as a member of an underrepresented group, this will be taken into consideration. Where two or more candidates fit the distribution criteria equally well, the selection will be made through a draw from the eligible names. In the event that a grant recipient notifies the Chair of the Grants & Awards Committee that he/she will not be attending the Conference, the grant will be redistributed to the next most qualified applicant. The level of funding will be based on a “best fit” between the selected applicant’s estimated costs and the grant amounts available.

The full amount of the grants will be disbursed to successful applicants upon approval of the Board. No later than two months after the Conference, grant recipients must submit a list of expenditures accompanied by original or electronic receipts.  Electronic receipts may be submitted by email.  If the actual expenditures are lower than the amount of the grant, the difference must be reimbursed to CAC. CAC reserves the right to refuse funding for unjustified and ineligible expenses. Failure to submit receipts and/or unused grant funds within two months of the Conference may result in suspension of CAC membership privileges.

Each year the Board of Directors will review and approve the continuation of the program and the funds available.


The deadline for the 2025 CAC Conference/Workshop Grant has been extended due to the later date of the Conference this year (October 20-25, 2025). Applications must be received by the Grants & Awards Committee through email or post by June 15, 2025. Grant allocations will be decided and applicants will be informed by email within one month of the deadline.

Please note the following important points:

  • Only transportation and accommodation expenses are covered by these grants.
  • Receipts must be submitted.
  • Applicants agree to abide by these regulations when they sign the application form.

If you have any questions or comments about this program, please send an email with “Conference/Workshop Grant” in the subject line to:

Professional Development Grant


To support the ongoing professional development of conservation professionals by providing funds for:

  • Registration, transportation, and accommodation to attend a conservation conference, workshop or seminar.
  • Online training events (including the purchase of needed hardware and software) and self-directed professional development activities such as study tours are also eligible.
  • Hosting a training activity that informs or trains people working in the field of conservation in Canada. This can include lectures given by specialists (Canadian and foreign), seminars consisting of one or more days of lectures, workshops with hands-on practice, etc.


The applicant must be an individual member of the CAC or the designated representative of an institution with a CAC institutional membership. Membership must be in good standing; membership dues must be up to date at the time of application. Those who received CAC grants in the preceding year may be considered at a lower priority.


Budgets may vary year by year, but at least $3,000 will be disbursed through at least three grants.

A maximum of $1,000 may be directed to supporting an applicant in hosting a single training activity, if any eligible applications are received.

Application Procedures

An application form must be completed, describing the professional development event and the estimated expenses for transportation, accommodation and registration or other costs to complete the professional development activity. The grant can cover any of the above costs with accommodation costs up to a maximum of $125 per night (including tax). Costs exceeding the amount of the grant will be covered by the applicant. Expenses for meals will not be covered by this grant. This grant is not intended to support tuition costs for students enrolled in a formal conservation training program.

View Application Form

Final Report Form

Evaluation Criteria 

Although it is not a requirement for applicants to present or otherwise contribute to the event, applicants who meet these criteria will take first priority. When applicants are equally qualified, funds will be distributed evenly among eligible regions: West (British Columbia, Prairies and Territories); Ontario; East (Quebec and Atlantic Provinces); and Outside of Canada (maximum of one grant). Funds will then be distributed among applicants working in private practice, employed in institutions, and students, reflecting the ratio of these categories in the membership. If an applicant self-identifies as a member of an underrepresented group, this will be taken into consideration. Where two or more candidates fit the distribution criteria equally well, the selection will be made through a draw from the eligible names. In the event of a cancellation or withdrawal, the grant will go to the first person on the list of runners-up.

The full amount of the grants will be disbursed to successful applicants upon approval of the Board. No later than two months after the event, the applicant must submit a list of expenditures accompanied by original or electronic receipts. If the actual expenditures are lower than the amount of the grant, the difference must be reimbursed to CAC. CAC reserves the right to refuse funding for unjustified and ineligible expenses. Failure to submit receipts and/or unused grant funds within two months of the Conference will result in suspension of CAC membership privileges.


Applications will be accepted twice a year, the deadlines being April 30th and September 30th. Up to 8 grants will be awarded to the first group of applicants; the remaining will be awarded to the second group. Applications must be received by the Grants And Awards Committee (contact listed below) through email or post on or before the deadline preceding the professional development opportunity. Applications will not be accepted for events that have already occurred. Decisions will be made by May 15th and October 15th for each of the grant runs respectively. All applicants will be informed in writing shortly thereafter.

Please note the following important points:

  • This grant cannot be used to attend the CAC Conference/Workshop – please apply for the CAC Conference/Workshop Grant instead.
  • Meal expenses are not covered by these grants.
  • Receipts must be submitted.
  • Applicants agree to abide by these regulations when they sign the application form.

If you have any questions or comments about this program, please send an email with “PD Grant” in the subject line to:

Training Activity Grant


To encourage training activities in the field of conservation across Canada.

Definition of Training Activity

Any activity that informs or trains people working in the field of conservation in Canada. This can include lectures given by specialists (Canadian and foreign), seminars consisting of one or more days of lectures, workshops with hands-on practice, etc.

Responsibility and Eligibility

The person or committee interested in holding a training activity is responsible for the entire organization of the project (including selecting the project, date and location, making announcements, etc.). The applicant must be a member in good standing of the CAC. In the case of a group of persons, the person chairing the organizing committee must be a member, or the designated representative of an institutional member. The activity should be announced region-wide to include participants from outside the host centre. Conservation training programs are eligible to apply for this funding, but priority will be given to activities focused on professional development of conservation professionals already in the field. All written materials or advertising must specify that the training activity is sponsored by the CAC.

Individuals or groups who received a CAC grant for training activities in the preceding year. are not eligible.


Two grants of up to $1,500 are available in 2023.

Application Procedures

The coordinator must provide a description of the proposed activity. The coordinator must also submit a detailed proposal including costs for honoraria, transportation, accommodation, and any other expenses.

If the proposal is accepted, the successful applicant will receive the amount requested up to a maximum of $2,500 in advance of the activity. No later than two months after the training activity, the applicant must submit a list of course participants and their addresses, a copy of the announcement or advertisement, and a list of expenditures and original or electronic receipts. A list of expenses covered by other funding sources must also be submitted. If the actual cost is lower, the difference must be reimbursed to CAC. CAC reserves the right to refuse reimbursement for unjustified expenditures. The applicant must also send an electronic copy of a report describing the activity (approximately 500 words) suitable for publication in the CAC Bulletin.

The selection and the amount of funding will be approved by the Board of Directors.

View Application Form


There is no fixed deadline for receipt of Training Grant applications. Applications will be considered on a first come first served basis, beginning January 1st of each year and until such time as the grant is awarded.

If you have any questions or comments about this program, please send an email with “Training Activity Grant” in the subject line to:

Diversity Grant

This grant is made possible through a generous donation received from Toronto Art Restoration Inc.


The Diversity Grant is offered to assist a conservation student, emerging conservator, or conservator who self-identifies as Black, Indigenous, or a person of colour (BIPoC). CAC aims to increase its support and recognition of underrepresented communities within our profession.


The applicant must be an individual who self-identifies as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color (BIPoC). CAC membership is not a requirement.


A $2,000 grant will be disbursed to offset educational expenses.

The grant will also award a complimentary year-long CAC membership. If the applicant is not yet a member, the membership will start when the award is disbursed. If the applicant is already a member, their next renewal cycle will be covered by the grant.

Application Procedures

The applicant must complete the application form, submit a personal statement describing their interest in conservation, and a summary of expected expenses the grant will support. Excerpts from the personal statement may be published on the CAC website and in the Bulletin.

View Application Form

Evaluation Criteria 

An adjudication committee that includes at least one member who self-identifies as BIPoC will assess the applications and make a recommendation to the CAC Board. Grant applications will be ranked, based on their personal statement and appropriateness of expenses, with preference given to conservation students, then emerging conservators, and finally mid- to late career professionals who are upgrading their education.


Applications are accepted anytime until September 15 each year.

Please note the following important points:

  • Internship transportation and accommodation, tuition, books and fees associated with full time study in a recognized conservation training program in Canada or abroad, and other expenses directly related to educational costs may be covered by this grant.
  • Costs that are claimed must have been incurred or will be incurred during the calendar year of the grant.
  • Receipts must be submitted by December 31.
  • Any grant funds that are not spent on approved expenses must be reimbursed to the CAC by December 31.
  • Only one grant is available each calendar year.
  • Applicants agree to abide by these regulations when they sign the application form.

If you have any questions or comments about this program, please send an email with “Diversity Grant” in the subject line to:

Pandemic Response Grant


To provide relief for CAC-ACCR members who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic through the provision of grants for rent and tuition relief, or other costs incurred by the loss of career opportunities or contracts, cancelled internships, or closures of post-secondary institutions.


The applicant must be an individual member of the CAC or the designated representative of an institution with a CAC institutional membership. Membership must be in good standing, i.e. membership dues up to date at the time of application. 


As close to $10,000 as possible will be disbursed in at least 10 grants.

Application Procedures

The applicant must complete the application form which includes a description of the impact that COVID-19 has had on them. Describe as precisely as possible how the pandemic has impacted training/education or career/professional opportunities. The grant will cover expenses directly related to the cancellation or postponement of training/contracts/internships to a maximum of $1,000 per applicant; examples of allowable expenses include rent and tuition relief, transportation costs, or moving expenses. Other expenses may be allowable if accompanied by justification. Inclusion of any monies received during the pandemic (ie. CERB or CESB) must also be declared.

Please limit the description section to one page.

View Application Form

Final Report Form

Evaluation Criteria

Priority will be given to applicants who are students, emerging conservators, and conservators in private practice. Funds will be distributed evenly among eligible regions: West (British Columbia, Prairies and Territories); Ontario; East (Quebec and Atlantic Provinces); and Outside of Canada (maximum of one grant). Where two or more candidates fit the criteria equally, the selection will be made through a draw from the eligible names. In the event that a grant recipient notifies the Chair of the Grants & Awards Committee that they are withdrawing their application, the grant will be redistributed to the next most qualified applicant. The level of funding will be based on the degree of financial need between the selected applicant’s estimated costs and the grant amounts available.

The full amount of the grants will be disbursed to successful applicants upon approval of the Board. No later than two months after disbursement, grant recipients must submit a list of expenditures accompanied by original or electronic receipts.  Electronic receipts may be submitted by email.  If the actual expenditures are lower than the amount of the grant, the difference must be reimbursed to CAC. CAC reserves the right to refuse funding for unjustified and ineligible expenses. Failure to submit receipts and/or unused grant funds within two months of the disbursement may result in suspension of CAC membership privileges.

New Diversity and Inclusion Initiative: Optional self-declaration

As a first attempt to identify and reach out to our fellow CAC members who identify as a member of a BIPoC Community (Black, Indigenous and Person of Colour), or other underrepresented group, CAC has included the option to self-identify on the COVID-19 Relief Bursary application form. We hope to add weight to applications from self-identified BIPoC members during the adjudication process in order to directly support those members who may have experienced barriers to and discrimination in the conservation profession.

While under no obligation to self-identify, we value hearing from our membership and see this as an important first step in realising the goals set out in the CAC public statement on creating positive change in diversity and inclusion within the Canadian conservation community. We welcome all feedback and comments about this initiative, and invite you to contact CAC if you are interested in discussing this further. 


Applications must be received by the Chair of the Grants & Awards Committee through email on or before December 10, 2021. Grant allocations will be decided and disbursed before the end of 2021.

Please note the following important points:

  • Electronic receipts (or scanned images of paper receipts) must be submitted.
  • Applicants agree to abide by these regulations when they sign the application form.
  • This bursary is intended as a one-time emergency relief bursary program. 
  • Descriptions of expenses and their relationship to the COVID-19 pandemic should be limited to one page.
  • Electronic transfers (eTransfers) are the preferred method of disbursement.
  • Confidentiality: all information received through the COVID-19 Relief Bursary will be kept confidential and will only be visible to the members of the Grants and Awards Committee.
  • Recipients names and final reports may be published in the CAC Bulletin or Annual Report, but not the details of financials or if they have self-declared for the Diversity and Inclusion Initiative.

If you have any questions or comments about this program, please contact:

Image: Canadian Museum of History, 2017


For information on upcoming professional development opportunities, or to submit a workshop/webinar proposal please contact

New Webinar: “Project Management: Project Time and Cost Estimations”

Date: Thursday, February 8 2024
Time: 11h00-12h30 EST (Ottawa, Canada)
Venue: Online – 1.5hr webinar
Participants: 90

Registration: free to CAC members, 10$ for non-members  Registration Now Open

Why is estimating time for projects or tasks so challenging? Why do projects often seem to cost more than we budgeted for? Join us for “Project Management: Project Time and Cost Estimations”, presented by Andor Vince, from Heritage Collections Care Consultancy on February 8 2024, from 11h00-12h30 EST (Ottawa, Canada).

In this 1.5hr webinar we will explore the difficulties of estimating time and costs on projects and learn simple techniques that can help us to do this more accurately.

Registration Now Open

Registration deadline: January 25, 2024 
This event will not be recorded.
For more information on this event, contact the Training Committee

Andor Vince is a collections care advisor and consultant. He has worked in the heritage sector since 1998, including the Institute of Archeology in Serbia, the Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service (UK), the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge (UK), and the University of Cambridge Museums (UK), and a number of other organizations as a freelance consultant. Andor’s expertise is in collections care, including creating collections care plans, policies and procedures, emergency planning, risk management for collections, and developing cost-effective projects and strategies in care for collections.

Fourth Annual Emerging Conservators Symposium

Date: Saturday, February 22, 2025
Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm EST (Ottawa, Canada)
Venue: Online

Submissions: open until Friday, December 13, 2024
Registration: free to all and open until Friday, February 21, 2025

The ECC is a branch of the CAC that is responsible for facilitating knowledge transfer, providing resources, and promoting the interests of students and CAC members entering the field of conservation.

The Symposium is one such opportunity for emerging conservators to share research, treatment, internship or academic projects, and more to the professional community. Participation not only supports emerging conservators, but allows for the chance to build connections and learn from one another.

Interested in submitting? Complete the form here.
Register online for the event here.

This event will be recorded.

For more information on this event, contact the Symposium Co-ordinators:

Image: Canadian Museum of History, 2017

Mentorship Program


The field of conservation and heritage preservation can be difficult to navigate for emerging professionals entering the field. In 2012, the Emerging Conservators Committee (ECC) of the CAC established the CAC-ECC Mentorship Program as a way to help emerging professionals by connecting them with mentors who can guide them as they work towards specific career goals and objectives.

The Mentorship Program provides the structure for participants to meet over the course of a year while allowing participants the flexibility to choose how and when they meet. Ultimately, the CAC and ECC hope that mentorship relationships continue beyond the year outlined by the program and that positive and enriching interactions between emerging conservation professionals and established conservators grow across Canada. By participating in the Mentorship Program, you are helping to strengthen the network of conservators and heritage professionals across the country and foster a community of professional exchange and mutual learning.


Participants of the program apply as either a mentor or a mentee.

A mentor is:

  • Any experienced conservation professional who would like to mentor emerging conservators, students, or pre-program applicants
  • A current member of the CAC
  • Someone able to provide advice and insight to a less experienced individual in the field of conservation and heritage preservation

A mentee is:

  • An emerging conservation professional with less than 6 years of experience in the field, a conservation student, or a pre-program applicant
  • A current member of the CAC
  • Someone seeking advice, guidance, or support in the field of conservation and heritage preservation


  • Both mentor and mentee must be current members of the CAC.
  • Once mentors and mentees discuss the goals of the mentorship, they are required to submit a Mentorship Goal Agreement Form.
  • Mentors can re-apply to the program every year; mentees can only re-apply if their mentorship goals are different from those of previous years.
  • Mentors and mentees are strongly encouraged to provide feedback about their experience to the Mentorship Program Co-Leaders.
  • Examples of possible mentorship goals and objectives a mentee may be interested in pursuing:
    • Applications for positions, fellowships, internships, and contracts
    • Business skills for private practice
    • Contract bidding
    • Developing or improving one’s French or English conservation vocabulary
    • Grant proposals
    • Job interviews
    • Networking
    • Research skills
    • Portfolios
    • Presentations, lectures, and publications
    • Program applications and interviews
    • Publications
    • Working Abroad


Calls for applications are held in March or April of every year. Mentors and mentees are invited to fill out a questionnaire and are matched according to their answers, which are reviewed by the Mentorship Program Co-Leaders.  Need more information, send an email using the contact us form – select Mentorship Program.