J.IIC-CG VOLUME 2 (1976)

The Use of a Low Pressure Cold Lining Table in the Conservation Treatment of a Large Severely Damaged Lithograph

Joseph Halmy

The low pressure lining method with the nap bond adhesive system was developed by V.R. Mehra of Amsterdam. We chose this method for lining a lithograph with a complicated tear damage, since it offered the following advantages: a relatively moisture free operation largely eliminates the distortion of the paper, since no dimensional changes occur. Also, once the edges of the tears are aligned dry, they remain in the same position held by the suction effect of the table. Our low pressure table, used for the treatment, was built to the specifications of Dr. Mehra in Amsterdam. The 127 cm x 88 cm commercial lithograph was first backed with Japanese tissue; then it was reinforced with a nylon fabric. The adhesives used were starch-methyl cellulose paste at first and Plextol (acrylic copolymer) – Natrasol (carboxymethyl cellulose) for the reinforcing fabric. Our experience shows, that the low pressure table could be effectively used for the treatment of damaged paper where the presence of moisture could cause problems.

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